Wednesday, February 2, 2011

All about Korea .

hey hey, take a deep breath yaw. okey, we start it okee .
1 2 3 ! 
why my post title like that ? why ? guess it .
Korea, syapa yg xtaw korea tuh apa kan.
its a country laa .
famous country and best country .
dya famous sebab pnduduk dya yg kiut miut and then ?
kpop la ! what it kpop ?
Korea Pop. we all love it .

selain tuh , mereka nih mmpunyai wjah yg kiut miut .
putih putih, sepet sepet , comel comel .
semua tuh ada dlam kategori .
betul kan ? kan kan kan ?
memang mereka ni lawa dan comel tau .

am i right ? they so sweet and cute .
tapi kadang kadang jgan trpdaya .
because di korea bebas plastic surgery , so
klau nmpak yg lawa lawa , maybe
dorg buat plastic surgery lagi .
but i dont know la klau yg artis kpop tuh buat plastic surgery ataw tidak .

Yang Lucunya :
yg lucunya tuh ,  smpai mau ikutikut style posing org korea ni .
please laa . 
haha, even saya pun memang pose ikot dorg, tapi dha buang pict tuh .
lol :D
but seriously , they cute ! (:

0 sweetpie ♥:

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