Friday, July 13, 2012


Assalammualaikum guys :) Wahh, its been awhile. Right out of the blue I left my blog 
and missing. Sorry, its not that I dump my blog, but I just too busy plus lazy to open it 
and I just can't kill two birds with one stone. I came here now for reason and the reason
isssss... (jeng jeng jeng!!!)

Nothing. I just miss my blog. I just miss the past times where I coud'nt live without 
opening my lil' bloggie, he he :-B Sorry my english is broken, saya budak baru belajar 
*senyumtunjukgigi.jpg* Saya rindu mau join contest & giveaway even I never win the prizes, 
pity to me pleaseeeee ;p 

Actually, saya sedih dua tiga hari ni. I dont know why tapi rasa sedih plus dissappoint plus 
jealous plus semuanyaaaaa. My bestfriends receive an incentive because of their good 
performance in our last midyear exam. Tapi ada hikmah juga la, sebab apa? Ini sedikit 
sebanyak mendorong saya untuk bersaing dan berusaha lagi. Thanks to both of you my 
dear friends :) 

Thats all for tonight. I just feel so alone and I dont know how to say this. Thanks to you
blog. Goodnight :) x

With heart and soul, 

0 sweetpie ♥:

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